Cate Bakos High School

What I’d tell my younger self

By Cate Bakos | May 28, 2023

It’s an interesting thought. I’d tell myself many, many things. Mostly I’d tell my younger self not to do a lot of the things that my parents warned me about. But when it comes to property and building wealth, there are four key things I’d tell my younger self. The first thing I’d tackle relates…

Apartment Square

Will Melbourne apartments bounce back?

By Cate Bakos | May 21, 2023

If you ask any investor who purchased an apartment back in 2010 if they were happy with their purchase, you’d likely hear some mixed sentiment. Plenty of advisors supported apartment purchases, and for good historical reasons. This chart may come as a surprise, but for a good few years prior to 2003, the national unit…

Auction History

Avoiding a bidding war

By Cate Bakos | May 14, 2023

If I had a dollar for every buyer who had said to me, “Cate, I don’t want to enter into a bidding war”, I’d have a lot of full piggybanks. It’s an understandable avoidance, particularly for those who have had their hearts set on a property, only to be outbid by someone else’s higher offer.…

Cate Signing

Why do agents resist pre-auction offers?

By Cate Bakos | May 7, 2023

Pre-auction offers are a common topic. Many agents are asked by purchasers whether their vendors would consider selling a property prior to auction. Unsurprisingly, the vendor’s (and agent’s) willingness to accept offers prior varies with the market sentiment. When the property market is languishing or falling, offers prior to auction are welcomed, and in fact…

Sold Sticker

You shouldn’t be bidding if…

By Cate Bakos | April 30, 2023

Auction bidding isn’t for the feint-hearted, but there are five critical tasks that must be done before being auction-ready. Ignoring just one of them could do more damage than just reducing the chances of success, and some of them could result in financial losses. Unlike a private sale campaign, auctions in Victoria are bound by…

Average Wages

Property can’t keep growing? Or can it?

By Cate Bakos | April 23, 2023

Many people ask me this question. It’s usually an investor looking to pick a hotspot, or someone hoping to speculate with a cheap asset that suddenly takes off in value. COVID and all that it caused for our various markets hasn’t helped the situation, because bold property success stories at BBQ’s dominate these days. From…

Regret Square

The top six investor regrets

By Cate Bakos | April 16, 2023

I’ve met hundreds, if not thousands of investors over my twenty years in the property industry. Some are active clients, others are friends of friends at BBQ’s, parties, etc. People talk openly about investor regret when property is the topic of conversation, and over the years I’ve noted the common investor regrets. Here they are……

Square Proportions


By Cate Bakos | April 9, 2023

Over the years I’ve seen so many floor plans, layouts and yard sizes that just don’t work. Some can be fixed, but at a cost. And often, the cost results in an overcapitalisation.


‘No pets’ clause?

By Cate Bakos | April 2, 2023

Our Victorian rental laws have changed and in particular, the “no pets” clause is no longer an option for rental providers. Previously, rental providers, (or landlords as we knew them prior to the reforms) could restrict a renter from having a pet in the property. Things have changed though, and our legislation now enables renters…

Chart Volatility

A ‘few years’ tenure is not enough

By Cate Bakos | March 26, 2023

Property is a long game. Buying and selling in a short space of time works on occasion, but it’s generally not optimal for the vast majority. This is why we say, “A few years tenure is not enough. There are three reasons, (four, if the property is brand new) why we don’t recommend a purchase…

Year 2013

What’s changed in a decade?

By Cate Bakos | March 19, 2023

We’re bombarded with shock headlines and talk of ‘unprecedented’ statistics, but when we take a few steps back from the charts and look at Australian property history with a broader lens, we can truly ask ourselves, “what’s changed?” Today’s Sunday blog contrasts 2013 to today in the charts. Clearly, the most stunning change over the…

Cate Square

Where is the market at?

By Cate Bakos | March 12, 2023

The most common question we are getting asked is, “Where is the market at right now?” And our overview may surprise some. We’re in a very strange market at present. Headlines are suggesting that the market has bottomed, while many purchasers who are active in the market are reporting that competition is tough. The competitive…





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